Rule of Threes
By Marcy Campbell
A Choose to Read Ohio selection
“Rule of Threes’. . . knockout premise is entirely Campbell's. . . . [M]eticulously crafted. . .” —Shelf Awareness
"Campbell portrays Maggie's complex troubles sympathetically while still pushing back on her insecure insularity through characterization, and gradually, Maggie grows to become more open to change and empathy. Her problems are a lot for a sixth-grader to handle, which makes her personal victory more meaningful." —Booklist
"Threaded with relevant design precepts, Campbell's engaging tale of redefining family is anchored by occasionally prickly Maggie's voice as she learns to loosen her own rules and find harmony in the imperfect." —Publishers Weekly
"Campbell effectively highlights the small details that make the family feel authentic. . . and allows the title rule (which identifies the elements of good design) to shape the story without being an overwhelming metaphor. Issues of drug abuse are handled in an age-appropriate way, and the balance of high- and low-stakes problems in Maggie's world is effective." —The Horn Book Magazine